Are we protected from model stealing attacks?

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Are we protected from model stealing attacks?
  • In model stealing, the attackers recreate the underlying model by legitimately querying the model. The functionality of the new model is the same as that of the underlying model.
  • Example: in the BigML case, researchers were able to recover the model used to predict if someone should have a good/bad credit risk using 1,150 queries and within 10 minutes.

Source: Microsoft, Threat Modelling AI/ML Systems and Dependencies.

If you answered No then you are at risk

If you are not sure, then you might be at risk too


  • Minimize or obfuscate the details returned in prediction APIs while still maintaining their usefulness to honest applications.
  • Define a well-formed query for your model inputs and only return results in response to completed, well-formed inputs matching that format.
  • Return rounded confidence values. Most legitimate callers do not need multiple decimal places of precision.

Source: Microsoft, Threat Modelling AI/ML Systems and Dependencies.