Can we provide human resources to supervise and give feedback every time the RL agent performs an action?

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Can we provide human resources to supervise and give feedback every time the RL agent performs an action?
  • Reinforcement Learning (RL) is an area of machine learning concerned with how intelligent agents ought to take actions in an environment in order to maximize the notion of cumulative reward. Source: Wikipedia

  • When the agent is learning to perform a complex task, human oversight and feedback are more helpful than just rewards from the environment. Rewards are generally modelled such that they convey to what extent the task was completed, but they do not usually provide sufficient feedback about the safety implications of the agent’s actions. Even if the agent completes the task successfully, it may not be able to infer the side-effects of its actions from the rewards alone. In the ideal setting, a human would provide fine-grained supervision and feedback every time the agent performs an action (Scalable oversight). Though this would provide a much more informative view about the environment to the agent, such a strategy would require far too much time and effort from the human. Source: OpenAI

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One promising research direction to tackle this problem is semi-supervised learning, where the agent is still evaluated on all the actions (or tasks), but receives rewards only for a small sample of those actions (or tasks).

Another promising research direction is hierarchical reinforcement learning, where a hierarchy is established between different learning agents. There could be a supervisor agent/robot whose task is to assign some work to another agent/robot and provide it with feedback and rewards. Source: OpenAI